15 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring E-commerce App Developers

eCommerce Development September 12, 2023

In the burgeoning world of e-commerce, having a robust and scalable app is non-negotiable. As businesses pivot towards digital solutions, hiring the right app developers becomes critical. Especially for e-commerce platforms, the role of a mobile app in customer engagement and revenue generation cannot be overstated. However, the path to finding the right mobile development agency or app development company is fraught with pitfalls. This article delves into 15 expert-level mistakes that companies often make when hiring app developers, particularly focusing on the context of app development in Australia.

Mistake 1: Lack of Industry-Specific Experience

Let’s start with the first pitfall—overlooking industry-specific experience. Imagine you’re tasked with hiring a chef. You wouldn’t hire a pastry chef to run a sushi bar, right? The same rationale applies when hiring app developers, especially those specialized in mobile app development for e-commerce platforms. Here’s why: E-commerce applications are an entirely different ballgame. They necessitate complex functionalities, like payment gateways, that must be secure and robust to handle heavy traffic.

This goes beyond the general understanding of app development. Dealing with payment gateways requires a nuanced understanding of fintech regulations, security protocols, and payment process flows. Similarly, e-commerce apps often require advanced inventory management systems capable of real-time tracking, automatic restocking, and seamless integration with other sales channels. And let’s not forget the user experience—making an app navigable yet attractive is a fine art that takes years to master.

Hiring a generalist app developer or mobile app developer who hasn’t cut their teeth in e-commerce is very much like putting a square peg in a round hole. They might be brilliant at developing other types of apps, but e-commerce is a unique sector requiring specific skills. So when selecting an app development company in Australia or elsewhere, ensure they have a substantial portfolio of e-commerce app development.

Mistake 2: Ignoring the Importance of a Technology Stack

Now, onto our second mistake—ignoring the technology stack. A technology stack is a blend of software tools, frameworks, and libraries developers use to build an app. It’s like the raw materials used in building a house. Just as you wouldn’t build a skyscraper with wooden beams, you can’t build a scalable, robust e-commerce app with outdated or inappropriate technologies.

Selecting a mobile development agency without scrutinizing its technology stack is like embarking on a sailing expedition without checking the quality of your ship’s materials. It’s an open invitation to disaster. You might face issues with scalability as your user base grows. Or worse, discover that your app can’t integrate a vital third-party service because the technology stack you chose doesn’t support it. Retrofitting an app with a new stack is not just tweaking a few lines of code; it’s a costly and time—consuming overhaul.

So, when you’re zeroing in on an app development company, particularly in the advanced tech landscape of Australia, discuss the tech stack in exhaustive detail. Ensure it is future-proof, scalable, and capable of integrating all the functionalities you need now and in the foreseeable future.

Mistake 3: Overlooking the Agile Methodology

The third mistake is ignoring Agile Methodology. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, Agile is a project management & product development approach that always prioritizes flexibility and collaboration. It allows changes to be easily made after the initial planning without throwing the entire project off track. Think of it like this: Agile is an off-road vehicle capable of quickly changing direction if traditional methods are a train running on a set track.

In an industry as fast-paced as mobile app development, adhering to Agile Methodology isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. Markets change, customer behaviors shift, and new technologies emerge overnight. An e-commerce app that takes too long to develop will be obsolete before it even hits the app store. Changing the specs of a near-completed app using traditional methodologies is like turning a speeding car on a dime—it’s risky, difficult, and costly.

With Agile, you can adapt smoothly without wasting time or resources. It’s like having a built-in shock absorber for your project, providing a smoother, faster ride to market. Therefore, when looking for an app development company or mobile development agency, especially one based in a fast-moving market like Australia, ensure they’re well-versed in Agile methodologies.

Mistake 4: Neglecting Code Reusability

When hiring app developers or aligning with a mobile development agency for your e-commerce platform, code reusability is often overlooked. The term might sound technical, but its implications are practical and financially sound.

Code reusability is the practice of writing and designing software modules that can be easily incorporated into multiple projects. Think of it as creating a set of building blocks you can utilize repeatedly in various configurations without reinventing the wheel each time.

Why does this matter for your e-commerce platform? The answer is simple: time and money. Custom-coding every element of your app from scratch is a laborious and costly process. It consumes man-hours like a voracious monster, and each of those hours is a cost to your business. Herein lies the utility of reusable code. It allows your mobile app developers to construct the app much faster, cutting down both the development timeline and associated labor costs.

Even beyond initial development, the benefits of reusable code surface in the maintenance and upgrade phases. When the time comes for version 2.0 of your e-commerce app, having a library of reusable code can expedite the process, making it smoother, quicker, and more cost-effective.

Therefore, as you engage in initial discussions with an app development company, make sure to put code reusability on the table. Ask them about their practices and how they intend to make your project a standalone venture and a stepping stone for future development tasks.

Mistake 5: Missing Out on QA and Testing Capabilities

Quality Assurance (QA) and rigorous testing are not mere buzzwords; they’re the linchpins that hold your app’s reputation together in the market. Surprisingly, in their eagerness to go live, many companies overlook this critical phase, leading to disastrous results.

When you don’t emphasize enough on QA, you’re essentially allowing an unvetted product to reach your customers. In the unforgiving landscape of app stores where users have no qualms about doling out one-star reviews for buggy apps, releasing an untested app is like committing brand suicide.

Hence, when looking for app developers or mobile development agencies, investigate their QA protocols deeply. Ask them about their testing methodologies, the range of devices they test on, and how they handle discovered defects. Moreover, find out if they employ automated testing, which can be a massive asset in identifying bugs that human testers might overlook.

Given that your e-commerce platform handles sensitive customer data and financial transactions, the QA phase should also include rigorous security testing. Any loopholes here could tarnish your reputation and make you liable for data breaches.

Mistake 6: Not Checking Compliance and Security Measures

Compliance and security take on an even greater significance if you’re particularly interested in app development in Australia. Local laws such as Australia’s Privacy Act and international regulations like GDPR set strict guidelines on data protection and user privacy. Ignorance or non-compliance isn’t just risky; it’s illegal.

The app development company you choose should be well-versed in these rules. And it’s not just about complying with laws; it’s about safeguarding your customers’ trust. Imagine the repercussions of a data breach—customer trust is easy to lose and almost impossible to rebuild fully.

Security measures like data encryption, secure data storage, and two-factor authentication should be non-negotiable features of your e-commerce app. Additionally, regular security audits and compliance checks should be a part of the app maintenance process.

When discussing your project with potential app developers or a mobile development agency, make it a point to delve into these compliance and security aspects. This is no area for shortcuts or compromises. Question them about their experience handling data security, ability to adapt to region-specific laws, and contingency plans for any security breaches.

Mistake 7: Overemphasizing Cost-Effectiveness

We get it; budgets are not infinite. Every business has financial constraints, whether a fledgling startup or an established enterprise. In this milieu, opting for app developers or a mobile development agency that offers you a bargain is tempting. But here’s the kicker: What you save now might cost you exponentially more in the long run.

Let’s put it this way: you wouldn’t buy a cheap parachute. Similarly, when you compromise on the quality of your app, especially in an ultra-competitive market like Australia, you’re essentially doing just that. Sure, a less expensive app development company might get your app up and running, but the corners they cut will show sooner or later. Poor user interface, laggy performance, and security vulnerabilities are just a few problems you may encounter.

Moreover, once users interact with a subpar app, engagement numbers will inevitably plummet. Poor customer engagement translates directly to a lower Return on Investment (ROI). Suddenly, the initial cost advantage you thought you had dissipates like mist in the sun. The additional cost to fix the issues often exceeds what you would have spent had you invested in quality app developers from the start. In summary, cheap can be expensive. Striking a balance between cost-effectiveness and quality is the key.

Mistake 8: Forgoing Post-Launch Support

The notion that an app’s journey is over once it hits the app store is naïve. No app is perfect at launch, and the digital landscape evolves quickly. The key to an app’s longevity is how well it adapts to emerging technologies and user feedback, which is incredibly relevant in dynamic markets like Australia. That’s where post-launch support enters the picture.

A common misstep businesses make is not to plan for the “day after.” Businesses often focus solely on the development phase when interviewing mobile development agencies or app developers. It’s a monumental error to ignore the long-term support an app requires.

Software glitches, updates, and security threats don’t send a warning before appearing. A robust post-launch support plan ensures that these issues are addressed in real-time, keeping your app functional and up-to-date. An outdated app isn’t just a reflection of stale technology; it also tarnishes your brand image. Moreover, a lack of regular updates gives the impression of neglect, affecting customer trust and retention. A forward-looking discussion with your app development company about post-launch support should be a non-negotiable part of your initial agreement.

Mistake 9: Ignoring User Experience Design

We all love things that look good; it’s basic human psychology. But when it comes to mobile apps, looks can be deceiving. Businesses often equate good design with pretty visuals, missing the point that good design is as much about functionality as aesthetics, if not more.

Ignoring User Experience (UX) design is like building a visually stunning hotel with a maze-like layout where guests can’t find their rooms. It defeats the purpose. Users who find your app confusing will abandon it without a second thought. It’s crucial to remember that people don’t just use your app; they experience it.

If your app developers or mobile development agency doesn’t strongly emphasize UX design, you’re setting yourself up for failure. UX design isn’t just about making things pretty; it’s about creating a seamless path from opening an app to completing a transaction. Every button placement, every swipe direction, and every loading screen should be intuitive. The easier you make it for customers to navigate through your app, the more likely they are to engage with it, directly boosting customer engagement and retention.

Mistake 10: Lack of a Scalability Plan

When businesses set out to hire mobile app developers, they often envision their app as a static entity, functional and performing at its peak right from the get-go. This narrow vision overlooks a fundamental variable of any successful business: growth. Just as a business plan for increased customer demands, higher sales, and more traffic, so should an app be designed with scalability in mind.

In technical jargon, “scalability” refers to the app’s ability to deal with a growing number of customers, or in other words, an increasing load of user activities without breaking a sweat. If you think this is just about adding more servers, you are only scratching the surface. It’s about efficient database management, streamlined API connections, load balancing, and real-time data analytics. These aren’t just terms thrown around in a developer’s lounge; they are building blocks of a robust app that can adapt to success without falling apart.

In the Australian app development scene, which is replete with a variety of consumer behaviors and seasonal spikes (think Christmas or end-of-financial-year sales), the lack of a scalability plan can be disastrous. Imagine your e-commerce platform struggling to cope during the biggest sale of the year, rendering a poor user experience. Not only will you lose sales, but you’ll also risk damaging your brand’s reputation irreversibly.

Therefore, your initial conversations with an app development company should involve explicit discussions about scalability. Don’t just take their word for it; ask for case studies, client references, or demonstrations that showcase their expertise in developing scalable apps.

Mistake 11: Underestimating Content Management Needs

Most businesses understand the importance of content when it comes to websites or blogs, but the need for streamlined content management extends seamlessly into the world of apps. Remember, your app is not just a static interface; it’s a dynamic platform that will continually evolve. New products will be launched; prices will change, and promotions will be run. All of these require an efficient Content Management System (CMS) embedded within the app framework.

The phrase “Content is King” rings true here. Whether it’s images, product descriptions, customer reviews, or the weekly newsletter, an intuitive CMS allows for real-time updates without the constant need for mobile app developers. Some companies make the mistake of forgoing this feature to cut costs, only to realize later that they depend wholly on the original developers for every minor content update. This not only causes delays but also adds unnecessary expenditure.

Therefore, when engaging with an app development company, it’s imperative to insist on a user-friendly CMS. This is even more crucial if your e-commerce platform serves the Australian market, where consumer demands and preferences can be significantly diverse, requiring frequent content modification to cater to various demographics.

Mistake 12: Not Considering Platform-Specific Challenges

Here’s where many businesses falter. They hire app developers without considering the vast differences between iOS and Android development. It’s like building a car and later realizing it won’t fit on the local roads. The two platforms have unique coding languages, user interface guidelines, and even different approval processes for app stores.

For example, iOS apps require strict adherence to Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines. Android, on the other hand, offers more flexibility but comes with its own complexities, given the wide range of devices it supports. These are not just trivial issues; they impact everything from app design and functionality to how well the app is received in each marketplace.

In the Australian market, where both iOS and Android have a significant presence, not considering platform-specific challenges could mean alienating a considerable chunk of your potential user base. Suppose you are working with a mobile development agency. In that case, they should have the cross-platform expertise to navigate the idiosyncrasies of each, providing a very seamless user experience irrespective of the device being used.

Mistake 13: Skipping A/B Testing

Think of A/B testing as the cartographer of your app development journey; it’s the map that helps you navigate the intricate decisions surrounding interface, functionality, and user experience. Many businesses are so entrenched in the development process that they overlook this critical step, relying instead on instinct or preliminary user feedback. A/B testing, however, isn’t merely an added layer; it’s a necessity.

When you omit A/B testing from your plan, you’re essentially saying you’re willing to risk the app’s success on subjective reasoning or pure chance. A/B testing provides quantitative data that can guide essential changes before the official launch. It’s the very essence of data-driven decision-making, allowing you to present two variants—be it a button color, a feature placement, or an entirely different user interface—to a subset of your audience and evaluate which performs better in terms of specific metrics like click-through rate or time spent in-app.

In the realm of app development in Australia, where the market is rife with competition, A/B testing can be the key to understanding local user preferences and behaviors. Are Australian users more likely to engage with certain color schemes? Do they prefer one type of payment gateway over another? Such granular insights can mean the difference between an app that sinks or soars. So, if you’re engaging with an app development company or a mobile development agency, make sure A/B testing is not just an afterthought but an integral part of the development cycle.

Mistake 14: Failing to Include Analytics

An app’s absence of integrated analytics is tantamount to an airplane flying without a radar. Analytics tools provide real-time data that can be the cornerstone for future updates, improvements, and possibly even pivots. The significance of this cannot be overstated, particularly for e-commerce platforms where understanding user behavior is crucial for sales optimization.

When businesses neglect to integrate analytics during the development phase, they miss out on a wealth of information. This data isn’t just numbers; it’s a narrative of how users interact with your app, which features captivate them, and what turns them away. A constant feedback loop allows you to continually refine the user experience.

For instance, if you’re a mobile development agency specializing in app development in Australia, the analytics can offer you crucial insights into local consumer behavior, preferences, and seasonal trends. It can reveal whether Australian users prefer card payments over digital wallets or if they are more likely to complete a purchase if free shipping is offered.

Mistake 15: Neglecting Customer Feedback Post-Launch

The post-launch phase is often considered the final stretch in the app development cycle. That’s a misconception. In reality, the launch is just the beginning of a long-term relationship with your user base, a relationship that thrives on communication. Ignoring customer feedback post-launch is akin to sailing a ship without a compass. You might move, but you’ll be directionless.

User reviews and feedback are invaluable; they’re the raw, unfiltered voice of your user base, narrating the experience of interacting with your app, both the highs and the lows. This isn’t just a mechanism for future updates; it’s a tool for immediate redressal. Let’s say a recurring glitch is causing shopping carts to empty automatically. This issue would deter sales and lead to negative reviews and ratings, which could snowball into a reputation crisis.

Mobile app developers and app development companies need to institutionalize the process of gathering, analyzing, and acting upon customer feedback. This cycle shouldn’t be a one-off activity but a continual process aiming to improve the app with each update. Whether it’s an app targeted at the Australian market or a global audience, customer feedback transcends geographical boundaries.


The stakes in e-commerce app development are high. A well-designed, robust app can propel your business to new heights, while errors in hiring competent app developers can result in significant setbacks. By paying heed to these 15 common mistakes, you can ensure that your e-commerce app meets and exceeds expectations. Always remember, in app development, cutting corners is never an option. Excellence is certainly the only standard worth striving for.

(Note: While the article is geared towards app development in Australia, the points discussed are universally applicable.)

This comprehensive guide serves as a roadmap to avoid the pitfalls of hiring an app development company or mobile development agency. Keep these expert-level insights in mind, and you’re well on securing the best app developers for your e-commerce venture.


Azeez Bijin April 24, 2023