Top 7 Software Testing Methodologies Top Brands follow

automation testing October 31, 2022

The software testing world has been growing in recent years — there is no doubt about that. With the number of software testing roles mushrooming, it’s important to find ones with the best software testing methodologies and techniques. But before that, let’s dig deep to learn the importance of software testing.

Importance of Software Testing 

Software testing plays a vital role in the software development lifecycle because it provides a means to evaluate the quality of the product against its requirements, specifications, and user needs. Software testing aims to find and fix defects before the software is released.

1. Best quality product


Testing ensures that your product meets quality standards to deliver something reliable for your users and customers. This will help them feel more confident about using what you’ve created, which means they’re more likely to recommend it to others (and buy from you again). You’ll also get more clients if you have high-quality and well-designed products because people will know that you know what you’re doing.

2. Save time and resources


Software testing can help you save time and resources. Before releasing your software to the public, you can fix bugs and other problems by testing your application. This means that you will not have to spend time fixing bugs after the release of your product.

In addition, if you do not test your application properly before releasing it, there may be errors in the code that could cause users problems. These errors could take a lot of time and effort to fix, so testing your applications beforehand will save you from having to go back and fix these issues later on!

3. Business optimization


You must test the quality of the software to optimize it to keep customers happy. Many factors affect the software’s quality, including efficiency, usability, and robustness. These factors are affected by different processes during the software development cycle. Testing software is essential before releasing it to clients or customers, who will not be happy if any glitches occur.

4. User experience 


The user experience is a critical aspect of software testing. It is the most visible part of the product, and it should be as easy to use as possible. The user experience depends on many factors, such as the design and functionality of the product, but it also depends on how well it works after release.

A good example is when you make an online purchase on Amazon. If your order is wrong or if it takes more than a few days to arrive, you will probably be frustrated and unhappy with Amazon’s customer service.

However, if this happens only once in a while, you might not notice any problems. If you are used to ordering from Amazon regularly, you might even think they have improved their service! Users quickly get used to things. You can leverage this by giving them something different, but not too different; something that surprises them, but not too much.

5. Customer Satisfaction


When building a product, you must consider your customers’ needs and how they will interact with your product. Testing is an integral part of this process because it helps you get feedback from customers on how well the product works for them—and whether or not it aligns with their expectations.

This is especially important when dealing with large products that may be completely new to your customers. You want to ensure that users can use your product easily, so testing gives you insight into what they do and don’t understand about how it works.

6. Brings more profit


Many people think that testing is expensive, but it saves money in the long run. When you have a bug in your code that causes an outage or crash, fixing it will cost more than if you had caught it earlier in development.

Also, users will call support when they have bugs in production (AKA live) because they are having problems using your product – that takes time away from developing new features! So what seems like an initial loss becomes a long-term gain once you start getting more customers who stick around instead of leaving because their experience wasn’t great!

Read More also Software Testing Best Practices for Web & Mobile Projects

Top Software Testing Methodologies

1. RAD model


Rapid Application Development is one of the famous software testing methods that empowers developers to build software rapidly. The design and implementation of the software are performed simultaneously in a collaborative environment. The major benefit of this methodology is that it allows the developers to build a prototype as quickly as possible, which can be tested by end users. This helps identify design and implementation problems early on in the process before they become too costly to fix.

Software Testing Methodologies

The RAD model came into existence in the early 1990s and has since then adopted by several programming languages, including C# and Java.



1. It is fast and flexible

2. It is cost-effective

3. The quality of the product is higher than other models



1. Lack of quality control
2. Inadequate documentation

2. Spiral model


The spiral model is a software development process that uses a sequence of systems engineering activities. The spiral model is a good choice for new software projects when many uncertainties exist.

The first phase of the spiral model requires gathering requirements, generating alternative solutions, refining or generating architectures, and preparing an implementation plan. You can repeat the process until you’re certain your idea will work.

Software Testing Methodologies

Once this has occurred, the second phase of the spiral test begins. This phase focuses on developing a detailed design for each subsystem in the system based on its requirements and architectural design. 

The third phase consists of coding and testing each subsystem in turn, which leads to the fourth phase, where integration occurs between each subsystem to form an executable version of the final product. A team of people works together to resolve all major issues before moving on to the deployment and maintenance phases.



1. It allows for continuous evaluation of both technical design and functional requirements
2. Test-driven development allows testers to get involved early in the process and provides a framework for ensuring that each feature undergoes testing.



1. It is a complicated process, which can be difficult to manage and control.
2. It takes a long time to complete, which means that developers and testers may not be able to keep up with the pace of development or changes in requirements or specifications.

3. Agile model


Software Testing Methodologies

The agile model is a software testing methodologies focusing on flexibility, collaboration, and quick feedback. Agile methodologies help teams identify user stories and prioritize them according to the value they will add to the product. After each sprint, the team reviews their progress and decides what to work on next. This helps ensure the software stays aligned with its users’ needs over time.

The agile methodology takes a lot of time to complete due to its focus on continuous improvement and collaboration. It also requires teams to make changes quickly to respond to client needs or market trends.



1. It allows for flexibility in terms of developing and testing the product. The team can adapt to changes in requirements, which means you can test more quickly and effectively.
2. It encourages collaboration between developers and testers, so there’s less room for miscommunication or misalignment.
3. The bug-fixing phase ensures that bugs will be fixed as soon as one detects them, reducing wasted time when other testing phases have missed them.



1. It is less likely to be able to predict the amount of testing that will be required.
2. Continuous delivery can increase the cost of software development, as there is no planned milestone for the final release.

4. Extreme programming

Extreme programming (XP) is a software development methodology that advocates frequent releases of high-quality software.

The core of XP is an onsite customer who works with programmers to determine the features in the next release. The customer also determines when it’s time to release the next version. This approach relies on unit tests and constant communication between customers, programmers, and testers to ensure the timely delivery of quality code.

Extreme programming emphasizes pair programming, where two programmers work together on one computer. Pairing helps prevent bugs from being introduced into the code by one programmer and then not detected by another programmer who reviews it later. Pairing also encourages learning from others through shared experience, which leads to better designs and cleaner code.



1. Testability of the code is high.
2. Deliverables are more predictable.
3. Projects are completed on time and within budget.



1. Extreme programming is not suitable for all projects. It may be difficult to implement if a project is already in progress, ‘s too large, or has too many stakeholders involved.
2. More time-consuming for testers than other methods because there are so many test cases to run through each iteration.

5. Waterfall model


The waterfall model is a sequential software development process that divides the software development process into several phases (or stages). Each phase is considered a separate project with its goals and objectives.

The waterfall model has four stages: Requirements Management, Systems Analysis, Design and Implementation, and Testing & Maintenance. Each stage has its tasks and activities.

The Waterfall Model is also known as the “traditional” or “linear” software development process. The main disadvantage of this methodology is that it’s slow because each section must be completed before moving on to the next one.



1. It allows for thorough planning and scheduling, so that there is no risk of missing deadlines or not meeting certain objectives.
2. It can be used for large projects with many stakeholders, because it provides a clear overview of what needs to be done at any given time, who will do it and how long it will take them to complete their task(s).



1. It can be difficult to manage dependencies between tasks in different phases.
2. The waterfall model does not allow for changes to be made mid-project. This can lead to a waste of resources if a change is needed in the middle of a project and no budget is available for a complete overhaul.

6. Scrum model


A scrum is an agile software development framework for managing and coordinating the product development process. It works in a two-week cycle called iterations or sprints. The product owner creates a prioritized list of features (user stories) that must be developed. Each sprint has specific goals, and the team works towards them together.

Software Testing Methodologies

At the end of each sprint, there is a review meeting where all stakeholders can determine if they have met their goals. If they have not met their goals, they discuss what went wrong and how it can be fixed for the next iteration.



1. It is lightweight, flexible and simple to use.
2. It has a high level of control over the project.



1. It requires cross-functional teams and has high overhead costs.
2. It can be difficult to track progress without a dedicated project manager or tester in charge of keeping up with everything.

7. Incremental model


The incremental model is the most commonly used software development methodology. This is because it is easy to understand and implement and inexpensive. It’s also easy to track progress and manage projects using this method.

Software Testing Methodologies

The first step in this process is to create a functional specification, which details what the project will do and how it will work. Then, you start developing a prototype or the product’s first version. Once this version is complete, you evaluate it and make revisions based on your findings. Then you repeat the evaluation process until you reach a point where you are satisfied with the quality of your product.



1. It can be used for both functional and non-functional requirements.

2. It helps in eliminating the defects from the early stages of development life cycle (SDLC).

3. It is suitable for complex software systems, which requires multiple iterations to be completed within a given timeline and budget constraints.



The biggest downside to this model is that it can be prone to errors, especially if not enough attention is paid during development or if not enough planning has been done before starting work on any particular aspect of development.

8. V-model


The V-model is a software testing methodology used to model both the software development and software testing processes. It also helps to demonstrate the relationship between them.

Böhm & Jacopini created the V-model in 1971, but many other authors have since revised and improved it. In its original form, the V-model depicted two distinct processes: verification and validation. Although the distinction between verification and validation was removed from later versions of the model, verification came first.

Software Testing Methodologies

The V-model describes three phases of testing: analysis, design/coding/unit testing (acceptance), and system testing (or integration). Pre-release testing takes place before a product is released into production, so problems can be found and fixed before they become widespread issues with users or customers. Because system testing occurs after release but before final delivery to customers or end users, it’s considered post-release testing.



1. It is a comprehensive model that covers all aspects of the software testing process.

2. It allows for a rigorous, systematic and organized approach to software testing.

3. It involves building a detailed test plan, which helps in identifying the requirements and expectations of the end user. This helps in achieving better results.



1. It does not support parallel development and testing.

2. The model does not provide an opportunity to use automated tools for testing.

How to choose the right software testing methodologies?

1. Size of project:


The size of your project is the most important factor in determining which software testing methodologies to use. If you have a small project, you can probably get away with using one of the more lightweight methods. 

However, suppose you have a large project and must test it thoroughly. In that case, it’s best to use a heavyweight method that can dive deep into each part of the codebase and give detailed reports about what’s working and what isn’t.

2. Type of project:


The project you’re testing will also determine which software testing methodologies you should use. Depending on the application, special requirements may affect testing, such as security or performance concerns. 

For example, suppose you’re working on a web application. If you are building a web application, you may consider using a waterfall model instead of an agile approach. Web applications typically have many stages of development that do not exist in other types of projects, such as games or mobile apps.

3. Freezing of requirements: 


Freezing requirements is the first step in the software testing cycle. It involves checking the specifications and making sure they are correct. This is important because it ensures no changes or additions to the project after this point. It also helps developers and managers avoid misunderstandings about certain features or functions.

4. Need for flexibility: 


The important thing to consider when choosing a software testing methodology is the need for flexibility. Depending on your project and what it entails, you may need one or another or a combination of methods. 

For example, suppose a web app already exists, and you need to test it. In that case, you might want to use a Waterfall approach. However, if your project requires you to build the software from scratch, you might want to use an Agile approach instead.

5. Risk levels: 


Automated testing can be performed faster than manual testing. But, automated tests are not necessarily more accurate than manual tests. Automated tests do not consider human error in interpreting test results or performing actions within an application under test (AUT). The programming skills required to create automated tests limit their ability to detect bugs within an application’s code base without errors. 

In the case of running tests on production environments, false positives may occur and cause damage if they are not fixed quickly enough before deployment.

Software Testing Techniques

There are  different methods of software testing broadly categorized under two categories;

A. Black box


The black box testing techniques in software engineering are functional testing that tests the interface between system components and the components themselves by treating the system as a “black box.” By focusing on inputs and outputs, the tester can avoid getting bogged down in how or why the system works. Black box testing also helps avoid reliance on internal knowledge of a system, making it ideal for evaluating performance under different conditions.

1. Boundary value analysis


Boundary value analysis is a black box software testing technique that involves testing the boundaries of the input domain. Boundary value analysis is useful for testing conditions that fall between other test cases. Suppose a function returns true when input is greater than five and false when it’s less than five. In that case, you can use boundary value analysis to test every possible input between 1 and 100 (including 0).

Software Testing Methodologies

Boundary value analysis works by identifying all possible boundary values for each variable and evaluating their effects on the output of a system. It can be used to test any program, but it will be more effective if you have narrowed your search space using formal methods.

2. Equivalence Partition


Equivalence partitioning is a testing technique used to determine whether two or more systems are equivalent. It can help determine whether the systems respond differently to stimuli.

Software Testing Methodologies

This technique separates each system into parts, then tests each part separately. This testing aims to determine whether each part meets the system’s requirements. Comparing test results from various parts of the system will determine whether or not the system operates as intended.

3. Decision Tables


Decision tables help to describe the possible outcomes of a test case and the conditions that must be checked off for each outcome. This allows you to describe all possible scenarios and outcomes, especially when your software has many different paths.

When to Use Decision Tables

You should use decision tables when you have many variables that affect a test case’s outcome. This can happen in any situation where there are many different ways for something to go wrong or succeed—for example, if you’re testing an application that depends on user input.

If a user enters invalid data, the application might crash, display an error message, or display a warning instead of an error message. The same goes for valid inputs—there’s no way to know what will happen until someone uses the product!

4. State Transition Diagram


State transition diagrams are a way to visualize the possible paths a program can take as it runs. Each state represents a set of values for a program’s variables, and each arrow represents an action that can be performed on those variables.

By representing the states of a program and its possible transitions, state transition diagrams are helpful to testers who are designing tests manually.

5. Use case testing


Use case testing is a black box software testing technique used to verify that a system performs as it should. Use cases are scenarios that describe how a user interacts with the application. They provide step-by-step instructions that take you through every stage of the process.

Developers and business analysts create use cases together. The testers will use these use cases to test how well different functions work. Early testing helps developers fix issues or bugs before moving on to other development parts.

Read More about What is software testing?

Black box software Testing pros

The following are the five main pros of Black box software testing:

1. It is a quick and easy way to test the application.

2. It can be used in many situations and environments with minimal effort or preparation.

3. The results are highly accurate, allowing various uses and applications.

4. The tests conducted by this method are repeatable and reliable, allowing multiple people to use them at any given time without having to worry about any issues arising from their use.

5. Black box testing can test virtually any software application that uses any programming language (e.g., Java).

Black box software Testing cons

1. Testing a system’s internal structure without knowing it is impossible.

2. Difficulty in understanding the behavior of the system under test.

3. The purpose and function of the black box are not clear enough to test it effectively.

4. The black box is not just a collection of modules but also includes interfaces, so testing it can be quite difficult.

5. Black box testing takes place in an unknown environment (e.g., if any other systems are running on the same hardware).

B. White box


White box testing is a software testing technique that focuses on the internal logic of a system to test its functional requirements. It is a type of software testing that ignores the internal logic of a system and instead bases its test cases on the user’s perspective.

In exploratory testing, white box techniques search for errors in an application’s code. White box techniques also include structural testing, which helps ensure that an application meets its design and other formal specifications.

Software Testing Methodologies

1. Statement coverage 


Statement coverage is a white box technique that measures a program’s number of executable statements. It is commonly implemented by instrumenting the source code and collecting coverage information during execution.

Statement coverage can be seen as an extension of decision coverage to include loops. It ensures all possible paths through a program are known. It also determines whether a test case covers all program statements.

There are two types of statement coverage: 

– Line Coverage – Checks every line of code for execution. (One line may have been executed more than once.)

– Branch Coverage – A branch-and-bound algorithm measures all possible paths through a piece of code.

2. Decision coverage


White box testing involves testing every line of code, making it ideal for complex programs.

Decision coverage tests whether a program makes the correct decisions based on the input it receives. Using all-pairs or pairwise decision testing, you can test each possible decision for all inputs.

All-pairs testing means that every combination of input values will be used to evaluate the program’s logic. For example, suppose there are four possible inputs to a function. If you have four combinations, you must use all of them to test every variable.

Pairwise testing only evaluates one value at a time. For example, if there are four possible inputs to a function, then only one value is evaluated at a time (pairwise).

3. Condition coverage


Condition coverage is a type of white-box testing that verifies that the program’s control flow is correct by checking every possible path through the code. It is sometimes possible to implement this method by setting up a test case for each branch in the control flow graph.

Condition coverage can be used to find errors caused by uninitialized variables or memory leaks. It can also be used to examine the correctness of logic in loops and nested if statements.

4. Multiple conditions


Multiple conditions can create a test case in which the tester must provide various inputs and then observe the output of each input.

For example, suppose you’re developing a program to calculate an employee’s salary. In such a case, you might want to calculate the salary for various scenarios. This scenario could be when the employee’s number of years worked is greater than one but less than five or when their number of years worked is greater than five and less than ten. Each input should result in a number that matches the expected output.

White Box Testing pros

1. Here are some pros of white box testing:Enables you to see how your code works internally and understand your application better.

2. Helps you identify potential security issues with your code before they become real problems.

3. Lets you know where bugs are so they can be fixed quickly without wasting time tracking down false reports.

4. Helps reduce the number of bugs in your applications by making them easier to find before the release into production environments.

5. It Allows you to create more robust front-end code because it gives developers insight into what types of inputs they should expect from users (i.e. if a user enters invalid data into an input field, what happens next?).

White box software Testing cons

1. White box testing is time-consuming.

2. It’s expensive.

3. White box testing is difficult to automate.

4. White box testing can be unreliable without good test data.

5. It does not offer much insight into the code.

C. Experienced based


Experienced-based testing is a type of software testing that focuses on the experience and knowledge of the tester. This method differs from other types of application testing methodology in that it consists of familiarizing yourself with the product before testing it. 

Software Testing Methodologies

The goal of experienced-based testing is to test a product that you have used before.

1. Exploratory testing

Exploratory testing is a form of software testing where the tester uses their experience to create hypotheses about the product and its quality, then tests those hypotheses by interacting with the program. The tester creates a strategy for testing based on their understanding of the product’s purpose and functionality. This allows them to efficiently test the product and identify any defects.

2. Error Guessing


Error Guessing is a process in which a person is given the task of identifying and correcting software errors. The tester receives a task sheet explaining how the program works. The tester then tries to identify errors by testing various program parts. This is an effective technique because it allows testers to focus on their skills rather than learning new ones.


This article lists the top software testing tools methodologies and techniques that allow developers to ensure their apps are bug-free. This is a complete resource guide for testers to get knowledge of various software testing philosophies, methodologies, and tools. This article aimed to help developers and testers learn from one another to develop high-quality products.

Bijin Azeez July 13, 2018