13 Tips to Choose the Perfect Tech Stack for your SaaS Product?

eCommerce Development September 28, 2022

When you want to build a SaaS, you need a tech stack that will support your product and fit your future vision. This is crucial because it can change your company’s direction and affect employees and partners. This choice should never be taken lightly because your current technology will impact your business in the long term.

What is a Tech stack?

A techn stack is a set of technologies used to build software. A technology stack may consist of different frameworks, libraries, and tools that help us develop applications.

The term “stack” refers to the layers stacked on top of each other to create a complete solution. The best way to understand what a technology stack means is to look at an example;

Let’s say we want to build an application that helps small businesses manage their inventory and orders. For this application to work, we need to build it using certain technologies. For example:

1) An operating system (Windows or Linux) that will run our application

2) Database management system (SQL Server), which will store our data in a structured format

3) Web server (Apache), which will serve our web application files over HTTP protocol

4) Programming language (JavaScript), which will allow us to write code for our web application

Why is picking the right SaaS tech stack so important?

SaaS products are built on top of a technology stack. The right tech stack can make or break your product.

The best SaaS products are built with a well-thought-out tech stack, which means that the developers have carefully selected the right technologies for their products. This is not just a matter of choosing one programming language over another; it’s also about choosing the right database, web server, etc.

Choosing the wrong tech stack can cause problems with your product’s performance, security, and scalability. On top of that, you’ll have to spend time and money fixing those issues down the road—no one wants that!

Key components of a SaaS tech stack

1 Database


A database is a program that stores data and allows users to search, add, modify and delete data. There are many databases, but the most popular one is SQL databases. SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it’s a language that allows you to input commands into a database to manipulate data in it. It’s a very popular language used by many famous websites such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Amazon.

2 Application Server


An application server is a software program that runs on your computer (or network) and acts as an intermediary between your web browser and other programs on your computer. It processes requests from your browser and responds to them through HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol).

An example of an application server would be Apache or Nginx, which are great at serving static files like HTML pages or images from disk onto the web for people to view in their browsers such as Chrome or Firefox!

3 Middleware


Middleware is just another term for software that connects different applications so they can communicate with each other over networks like LANs or WANs without worrying about the network’s details.

An example of middleware would be a database server like MySQL or PostgreSQL, which allows you to store and retrieve data from a database without worrying about writing your code!

4 Infrastructure


Infrastructure is the physical and virtual hardware that supports a network, such as servers, routers, switches, firewalls, and load balancers. Infrastructure is also all the software that runs on top of it, such as Linux distributions like Debian or Ubuntu, which are used to install software onto your server.

Infrastructure is the foundation of your network and everything that you build on top of it. Without infrastructure, there would be no network!

5 Frontend


Frontend refers to the user interface (UI) and interactions between users and a product. It’s also commonly referred to as the “client” because it’s usually accessed over the web through a browser, app, or other client application. Frontend technologies include HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, etc.

6 Backend


Backend refers to all components that don’t require direct user interaction but are involved in running software applications or websites. This includes databases, data storage systems (e.g., MySQL), load balancers (e.g., HAProxy), application servers (e.g., Apache Tomcat), and web servers (e.g., Nginx).

The frontend of a SaaS application

The front end of a SaaS application is the part of your product that users see and interact with. The front end consists of the UI, UX, user interface, and user experience.

To choose the right tech stack for your SaaS product, you have to carefully review these two parts:

User Interface: The UI is where users interact with your app. It includes buttons, links, text inputs, and so on.

User Experience: The UX is how users feel about using your app. It involves things like colors, animations, and transitions between screens.

The backend of a SaaS application

Backend development is a complex process that requires a lot of time and effort. It’s not just about writing code; several other factors must be considered to create the perfect tech stack for your SaaS product.

You first need to consider whether you want to build your backend from scratch or use an existing open-source platform. This may seem an obvious choice, but it’s important to consider both options carefully before making your final decision.

If you choose to go with an existing platform, you’ll be able to save time and money on development costs, but you won’t have as much control over how things work behind the scenes.

On the other hand, if you decide against using an existing platform and build everything yourself, this could lead to more problems if something breaks or needs updating because it wasn’t built by someone else who knows what they’re doing!

Software architecture for SaaS development

Software architecture is an important part of any SaaS product. It can determine how long it takes to develop and launch your product and how easy it is to maintain in the future.

The choice of software architecture for your product will depend on your budget and other factors, like whether you want to go with a custom-built or pre-made application.

Here are some things to consider when choosing the right software architecture for your SaaS product:

1) Is the platform flexible enough? If so, you’ll be able to make changes more easily later.

2) What kind of scalability do you need? If certain features require high performance and availability, then consider using a distributed system architecture instead of one that relies too heavily on one main server or database.

3) How much support does the vendor provide? Will they provide training or other services if something goes wrong?

Software architecture for SaaS development

If we were designing a SaaS/B2B solution, this will be our high-level architectural diagram

8 Factors that influence the choice of a tech stack for SaaS Application

In software development and web development, a tech stack is the combination of different programming languages, frameworks, libraries, tools, and technologies used to build a software product. Many factors influence the choice of a tech stack for SaaS:

1. Performance


Performance is the most important factor in choosing a tech stack. It is important to know how fast your application will be and if it will be fast enough for the users who will use it. The performance of your application can be affected by many factors, such as hardware and software configuration, network latency, number of users accessing your application, etc.

2. Future proofing


Future-proofing is another important factor when choosing a tech stack for your SaaS product. For example, if you are building a product that will require massive scaling in the future (like a social network), then you should choose a technology that can scale easily with time and doesn’t need much effort to maintain its performance over time (like PHP).

3. The developer’s expertise


The developer’s expertise is one of the most important factors influencing the choice of a tech stack for SaaS. If they are experts in Java or Python, it would be better to go with Java or Python as this would save time and money in hiring new developers.

4. Security


The security factor should also be considered before choosing a tech stack for SaaS. Security is very important as it protects your data from hackers who can steal and use it against you.

5. Cost


Cost plays an important role in choosing a tech stack for SaaS because if you choose something with more features but costs more, you might end up paying more than what it costs if you had chosen something less feature-rich but cheaper.

6. Usability


The tech stack should be easy to use and understand so that non-tech people in your organization can easily implement it. It should also offer good documentation, which is crucial in case you have to hire someone new who needs help getting up to speed with the product.

7. Scalability


A scalable application can handle high traffic without affecting its performance or stability. Scalability refers to an application’s ability to handle more users or requests without affecting its speed or stability. Most applications are not designed with scalability in mind, so they may not be able to handle high-traffic loads without slowing down or crashing altogether.

8. Reliability


Reliability refers to an application’s ability to perform under different conditions such as power outages, network failures, etcetera. Reliable applications should continue operating even when some parts of their infrastructure are unavailable, such as offline databases due to maintenance work on database servers, etc.

Your existing technology infrastructure. If you are using AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or another cloud provider, they will likely have pre-built containers that can be used as part of your tech stack. You’ll want to use these containers so that you don’t have to build custom code from scratch and can focus on building your product instead.

13 Tips for choosing the right tech stack for SaaS Application development

1. Look at what other successful companies are using


Look at what other successful companies in your industry are using, and see if they’re using something better than what you’ve already got in mind. For example, if you’re building a car-sharing platform, look at Lyft and Uber as examples of how companies have done it before. It might be worth taking some inspiration from them!

2. Check out what’s popular among developers


Check out what’s popular among developers—you can do this by looking on sites like Stack Overflow or Github—and consider whether or not this will be easy for them to use when they start building out your product’s features. If not, consider changing your plan so it will be easier for developers who want to contribute to your project!

3. What’s the purpose of your product?


Before choosing a tech stack, you need to know your end goal. If you’re building a simple CRM tool for small businesses, then you probably won’t need to go as far as choosing an in-house relational database system like PostgreSQL or MySQL (for example). But if you’re building something more complex—like an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system—you’ll want to look into those databases.

If you don’t know what kind of data structure you’ll need, just ask yourself: how much data will it need to store? How much space will that take up on our servers? Do we want users to be able to access this data from anywhere in the world? Do we want to run analytics on it as well? The answers will help guide your decision-making when picking your tech stack.

4. Consider how much customization you’ll need


If you plan on doing a lot of customization with your tech stack, choose an open-source solution that will allow you to make changes easily without having to pay extra fees or buy additional licenses from a vendor like Microsoft or Oracle (which may be required if you choose a proprietary option).

If you don’t plan on doing any customization, or if most people using your application will be using the same system, then a pre-built solution may be better. It’ll save you time, money, and headaches.

5. Know what features are out there


You’ll want to look at existing solutions before getting started with development. This will help ensure that you aren’t reinventing the wheel and give you an idea of what works best for your product’s requirements.

If you choose an open-source solution, it’s still important to ensure that the community is active and engaged. You’ll also want to see if there are any known security issues or bugs that have been reported in the past.

6. Get input from stakeholders


Make sure everyone who has input on the decision has an opportunity to voice their opinions before making any final decisions about what technology platform(s) should be used for development purposes! Ask them what they’re looking for in a platform, their concerns about particular platforms, and how it will impact the development team’s workflow.

You may also want to get input from stakeholders on which types of open source licenses are best suited for your business needs (e.g., GPL vs. MIT).

7. Choose something that works well with others


If your SaaS platform is going to integrate with other systems or applications, then you need to choose one with good integration capabilities, so it doesn’t feel clunky or require too much work on your end for everything else to work seamlessly together as it should!

If you’re looking for a platform with a stellar mobile app or mobile-first, then you definitely need to make sure that’s one of the top criteria on your list. If it’s not, it may be best to choose another option.

8. Be aware of security risks


Security should always be a top priority when building an app like this, so if there are any potential security risks involved with using certain technologies, then ensure they have been addressed before implementing them into production use!

This is especially important when dealing with sensitive client data or other sensitive information. You don’t want to end up putting your users at risk by using an insecure platform, so make sure you do your research on this point before making a final decision.

9. Consider how easy it will be to scale


If you plan to scale up quickly, then an open-source platform would be ideal as it does not require licensing fees or additional costs associated with scaling up your business.

However, if there is no need for scaling up services, then it might be better to invest in a commercial license instead because this provides better security and support services than an open-source platform does!

10. Check out the community support


Is there a large community of users who can help answer questions? Or will it be just you and your team trying to figure things out? If so, maybe this isn’t the right solution for your company.

If you’re looking to build a business that requires extensive support, then it’s best to invest in a platform with a large community of users. This way, when questions arise, there are plenty of people to ask for help..

11. How easy is it for developers in your company to learn?


If they don’t know how to code in Python but they’ve never tried before—will it be too hard for them? Or will they pick up on it quickly enough to get back into their normal workflow?

Again, this question can only be answered by the people in your company. If they don’t have any experience with Python or coding in general, it might be best to start with something simpler.

12. Third-party support


Consider whether or not your product will need support for third-party integrations or if it will rely on APIs from other platforms (like Facebook). If so, consider using an open-source framework like Django as your backend—it’s easy to add new features onto and has many plugins available for integration right out of the box!

13. Consider how much money you want to spend on hosting costs


When choosing a tech stack, one thing often overlooked is how much you’ll spend on hosting costs down the road. If you’re just getting started with SaaS development and aren’t sure what kind of traffic volume you’ll be getting yet (which changes everything), then this might not be too important at first—but if this is something you want to take into consideration, then you’ll need to do some research on what kind of hosting provider will best meet your needs.

If you’re planning on using Node.js and Express, then it might be worth looking into Heroku or Amazon Web Services (AWS), as they offer free tiers that could save you hundreds of dollars per month (depending on how much traffic you get).

The Bottom Line

Finally, the bottom line: if you’re looking to build a SaaS product, you need to ensure that your tech stack is the right fit for your goal. If you’ve got marketing automation down pat, but you’re having trouble with your customer service platform, it might be time to consider switching.

The bottom line is that there’s no such thing as “perfect” when it comes to tech stacks—just ask anyone who’s tried building one. The key is to find what works best for your business and team, and then make sure everyone on your team knows how to use it.


Consulting with a technical cofounder will help you build up your tech stack. The tech stack is important to understand and document because it outlines your technical capabilities for the future. Many SaaS companies require a technical expert because customers want to work with vendors who can quickly implement their products. Plus, a technical expert can jump in and help if you get stuck.

These are only suggested guidelines and not rules. There is no single formula for success when choosing a tech stack for your SaaS product. But if you prioritize certain factors over others, it’ll make the journey to finding your tech stack much easier.


What is the best tech stack for a SaaS product?


The short answer: it depends.

Your tech stack will depend on your product’s purpose and how you want to use it in your customers’ lives.

If you’re building a SaaS product that helps users manage their bills, then a highly scalable backend with an API would be helpful—but if you’re building an app that lets people share funny videos with their friends, then you might want to consider using React Native or another mobile-centric framework. It all depends on your objectives and how many users you’ll have.

So how do you choose the right one? You must take the time to understand what kind of functionality you need so that when it comes time to build out your product’s architecture, you have all the information necessary to make an informed decision about what tools will work best for your team.

This is the key to making it successful.

What is the tech stack that powers our SaaS product?


At Ateam, we believe in a holistic approach to building software products. Our team comprises talented engineers, designers, and product managers who work together to create solutions for our client’s needs.

We use a wide variety of tools and technologies to create our products—from Ruby on Rails to React Native—but no matter what we’re using, we always start with a solid understanding of the problem we’re trying to solve.

What if my tech stack isn’t scalable?


A scalable tech stack can handle more users without slowing down or crashing because of overloading its capacity limits (e.g., hosting more customers than originally planned). If your tech stack isn’t capable of handling this load, then it’s not scalable enough for your needs—and you’ll need to find one that is!

Why use a SaaS product?


We’re all about the cloud and think you should be too. When you use a SaaS product, you don’t have to worry about setting up and maintaining your infrastructure—you just pay us for our service, and we take care of everything else.

That means you can focus on building your product, not worrying about servers and bandwidth.

What tech stack do you use??


We use the following technologies:






Bijin Azeez July 13, 2018