4 ways to Strengthen Security Measures in Software Development


Security measures in software development, including security design patterns, threat modeling, secure coding practices, code review processes, and comprehensive security testing, are crucial for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities early and ensuring the security of the software.

Security design patterns, threat modeling, secure coding practices, code review processes, and comprehensive security testing are essential for addressing common security issues and ensuring the software’s security.

Tips to Security Measures in Software Development

1. Implement the Security Awareness Program

The security awareness training to cover all employees is essential for the improvement of security at the stage of software development. Providing cybersecurity awareness training to employees can improve employees’ understanding of risks, indicators of an attack, and how to report an incident. It is recommended to treat information security awareness as a constant process to familiarise employees with information security and protect it from threats.

2. Employ the Secure Development Tools

Secure development tools and platforms can be used to increase security in software. Code scanning tools, scanning tools for vulnerabilities, and other solutions can be used to check for security threats before they are implemented in the application. Thus, prebuilt secure development tools can be used to enhance the quality of software used and minimise the security risks associated with the use of software, as well as ensure compliance with the standards of the software sector.

3. Determine and Eliminate Risks

Vulnerability disclosure is critical in the process of improving security in the development of software. Performing routine security audits and vulnerability tests as well as code audits can assist in the identification of vulnerabilities in the application that will be useful in eliminating them before they are discovered by attackers. Introducing a security policy that includes a vulnerability management program and focusing on fixing vulnerabilities that represent a higher risk can improve the security of the software.

4. Implement Security Audit and Assessment Programmes to Maintain Security Levels

Implement Security Audit and Assessment Programmes to Maintain Security Levels

Security testing and evaluation are essential for the maintenance of security in software development. Periodic evaluation of security practices and control, compliance and incident response can help in the identification of loopholes, determine the efficiency of security mechanisms and confirm the level of compliance with regulations. organisations can do this through conducting security assessment tests on a regular basis; these include penetration and vulnerability scanning which aid in the detection of security vulnerabilities by providing recommendations on how to mitigate the said vulnerabilities.


One practical instance of implementing different security mechanisms and data regulations is the circumstance of Salesforce, a foremost supplier of customer relationship management (CRM) software. Salesforce puts its customers seriously in terms of security and compliance, indicating a lot of measures to protect customer’s data and the industry’s regulation adherence.

Salesforce puts in place overall security, which has Web Application firewalls (WAFs) to protect its web applications from attacks, regular security scans to pinpoint and resolve vulnerabilities, and strong encryption protocols to ensure data is securely transmitted and at rest. The company has also achieved multiple security certificates like ISO 27001 and SOC2 which show they embrace security and compliance.

In order to comply with regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA, Salesforce has created very strong data governance policies and procedures. These policies include data classification, access control, and also incident response plans. The company additionally offers its clients tools and assets that can be used by them to remain in compliance with their own companies. For instance, the Salesforce Shield platform provides event monitoring, platform encryption and field audit track features.

As Salesforce puts great emphasis on security and compliance, they have built customer trust that can be considered as an asset boosting their loyalty. The organisation ranks high in customer satisfaction surveys without any flaws while also winning customers who are large enterprises that need both data security and compliance mechanisms. Through placing much emphasis on security and compliance, Salesforce has become the trusted ally of any organisation that wants to take advantage of sophisticated CRM technology but at the same time needs guaranteed data privacy.

Lessons learned from security incidents and data breaches – real-world example

A famous series of events that happened due to security failure in 2013 was the Target data breach, the largest retail chain in the USA. In this event, hackers managed to make a channel into Target’s network through a third-party vendor which allowed the hackers to run away with the credit card details of customers in millions.

The Target data breach reminded, however, many companies of valuable lessons that should be taken into account.

The importance of third-party risk management: The impact of a data breach can be devastating, as shown by the events in which organisations must carefully select and control the actions of their outsourced vendors in order to have the right security. The vendor’s incident response services were used by Target, which eventually became the cause of a serious data breach.

The need for robust access controls: Hackers established their presence inside Target’s network via the utilization of stolen credentials belonging to a vendor for a third party. Companies have to establish strict access control as a tool to avoid hacker developments. This can be done with multi-factor authentication and role-based access.

The value of security awareness training: Often data breaches are caused by lower staff’s unfamiliarity with security tools & fear of AI. Security awareness must be a regular part of the organisation’s training program. Employees must be encouraged to identify and respond to potential threats as soon as they show up.

The necessity of incident response planning: At the point of a data breach, a company should have a concise incident response system in place that will help to prevent further damage by quick response and exclusion of a group of customers as well as stakeholders. The failure of the target to act quickly in the breaching processes just made the situation worse and both the financial and image challenges of the asset were strikingly visible.

Cybercriminals gained access to confidential information about clients being the Total data breach which was accompanied by a large amount of financial and reputational damage. As a result, it intensified the reviews of retail industry security measures that gave way to the establishment of extra safety regulations, like the EMV chip-and-PIN card system standard for credit card transactions.

Through observing the accidents that establishments like Targets face, it is possible to learn from them and take proactive steps to defend the data securely and avoid the repeat of such situations. It encompasses the installation of solid security precautions, conducting frequent risk analyses, and overall developing a consciousness of security in all employees.


  • Proper input validation, authentication, authorization, and data encryption are crucial for securing software development and preventing common attacks.
  • Secure configuration practices, automated deployment tools, regular monitoring, and security education are essential for maintaining a secure software environment.
  • Data encryption is crucial for data security, as seen in the Yahoo data breach where 3 million accounts were compromised due to system vulnerabilities, resulting in a $35 million fine and multiple lawsuits.
  • Secure software development requires effective error handling, secure configuration of software components, and thorough security testing and analysis to minimize security risks.
  • Static and dynamic code analysis tools can help identify and address security vulnerabilities in software development, while the OWASP provides resources and guidelines for best practices.
  • Following NIST and ISO/IEC 27001 standards is crucial for managing security risks and fortifying software against evolving threats.


Azeez Bijin April 24, 2023