Performance Comparison of Popular JavaScript Frameworks in 2023

Angular May 11, 2023

Web developers who want to design complex, interactive user interfaces must employ JavaScript frameworks. Finding the best option for your project might be difficult given the variety of possibilities available. The performance of the four most widely used JavaScript frameworks in 2023—React, Vue.js, Angular, and Svelte—will be compared in this article. Our goal is to give you a cheat sheet detailing the advantages and disadvantages of each framework so you can choose wisely.

Criteria for Performance Evaluation

For any website or application, performance is essential, and JavaScript frameworks are no exception. It’s critical to understand how well these frameworks function because their creators created them so that sophisticated applications may be built. Here are some of the standards we used to gauge how well each of the four frameworks performed:

  • Speed of rendering and loading
  • consumption of memory
  • use of the CPU

Each of these factors is crucial for assessing how well JavaScript frameworks perform. Users want web sites to load quickly, thus loading and rendering speed is crucial. Memory usage is significant since it has an impact on the application’s overall performance. Additionally, CPU usage is crucial since it influences how long mobile devices’ batteries last.

All of these things need to be taken into account by developers when selecting a JavaScript framework. They must also take into account the particular requirements of their application and pick a framework that satisfies those requirements. Developers can create high-performance applications that satisfy the expectations of their users by selecting the appropriate framework.

The Leading Force in Web Development Is React

A JavaScript package called React is used to create user interfaces. Facebook, as well as a group of independent developers and businesses, manage it. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey of 2023, React has been steadily gaining popularity and is currently the top framework.

React’s success can be ascribed to its capacity to build reusable, high-performance apps. This is made possible by the usage of a virtual DOM, which promotes effective rendering and reduces pointless re-rendering. React is a great option for apps that need high performance because of its good memory usage and CPU utilisation.

React is renowned for being straightforward and adaptable. Reusable components that developers can easily design and utilise across their entire codebase make it simpler to manage and maintain complicated apps. Additionally, React has a sizable and vibrant developer community, which results in a wealth of online documentation and assistance.

React performance metrics

One of React’s key advantages is its performance. It renders changes to the user interface rapidly and effectively thanks to the usage of a virtual DOM. This implies that even complicated programmes can be produced quickly. React is a great option for apps that need high performance because of its good memory usage and CPU utilisation.

React can, however, be slower than other frameworks to load initially, especially if the application is huge, so it’s important to keep that in mind. This is due to the fact that React must first load all required components before it can begin generating the user interface.

Benefits and Drawbacks of React

Benefits and Drawbacks of React

The simplicity and adaptability of React are two of its greatest advantages. Developers can handle complicated codebases and simply construct reusable components. Additionally, React has a sizable and vibrant developer community, which results in a wealth of online documentation and assistance.

React does, however, have a few shortcomings. Developers must first become familiar with its syntax and toolchain, which can take some time. Second, React lacks built-in capabilities like routing, form management, and state management; these functions may need to be implemented via third-party libraries.

Despite these flaws, React continues to rule the web development world, and in the years to come, its fame is only going to increase.

The Progressive Framework for Vue.js

A JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces called Vue.js has become incredibly popular in recent years. It was produced by Evan You and initially made available in 2014. Being a progressive framework, Vue.js focuses on being simple or complicated as needed and is simple to add to an existing project.

Vue.js Performance Metrics

Due to its lightning-fast performance and small size, Vue.js boasts outstanding memory and CPU utilisation. Additionally, it features a quick initial load time, which makes it perfect for people with sluggish internet. However, when working with massive DOM structures, it may sluggish down.

Despite this, Vue.js still performs more quickly and efficiently than a lot of other widely used frameworks. In fact, Vue.js outperforms React, Angular, and Ember in terms of speed, according to the JS Frameworks Benchmark.

The advantages and disadvantages of Vue.js

Vue.js’s simplicity and adaptability are its strongest points. It enables developers to quickly integrate Vue.js to an existing project and transform it into a more responsive, interactive application. It is an excellent choice for novices because it also has a minimal learning curve in comparison to other frameworks.

Vue.js’s reactivity system, which enables effective and automatic updates to the user interface based on changes to the underlying data, is one of its distinctive features. The development process can be substantially streamlined as a result, making it simpler to construct dynamic, responsive apps.

The ecosystem of Vue.js is less developed than that of React, hence it might not be an enterprise-level option for bigger businesses. Vue.js also does not have as many resources and support choices as some of the more well-known frameworks, while having a growing community.

Vue.js has shown to be a strong and adaptable framework for creating web apps despite these drawbacks. It is a fantastic option for developers of all skill levels due to its simplicity, flexibility, and performance.

The Enterprise-Grade Solution Is Angular

Google maintains Angular, an open-source framework built on TypeScript. One of the most complete frameworks available, it includes state management, routing, and form management as built-in capabilities.

For many developers, Angular is the top option for enterprise-grade solutions. One of its major advantages is its simplicity in handling complicated tasks.

Angular Performance Metrics

Angular is a high-performance framework, however compared to other frameworks, its initial loading time can be slow. The fact that it can handle complex applications with ease often makes up for this, though. Once loaded, it functions nicely, maintaining a constant memory and CPU usage.

Lazy loading support is one of Angular’s primary advantages. As a result, the application’s initial load time is shortened because just the relevant parts and modules are loaded when the user navigates to a certain page. The dependency injection system used by Angular also facilitates effective memory management and enhanced application performance.

Angular is a superb option for apps that need real-time updates or frequent data changes because of its high rendering efficiency optimisations. Its resilience and scalability are demonstrated by the fact that it can manage enormous data collections and complicated UI interactions without compromising performance.

The advantages and disadvantages of angular

The advantages of Angular include its pre-built features, which make it a fantastic choice for complicated projects. Its built-in form management, routing, and state management tools save developers time and effort so they can concentrate on developing the application’s main features.

Another advantage of Angular is its excellent documentation, which provides thorough instructions, examples, and tutorials. The framework is supported and developed by the community of developers who are committed to it.

But for newcomers, the learning curve for Angular can be challenging, and its toolchain can be daunting. Smaller projects or individual developers may find it challenging to begin using Angular as a result. Furthermore, because to its emphasis on enterprise-grade solutions, it might not be the greatest option for smaller projects that do not require its complete feature set.

All things considered, Angular is a strong and reliable framework that works well for complex applications and enterprise-level solutions. It is a top choice for many developers due to its performance metrics, support for lazy loading and dependency injection, and comprehensive documentation. However, its steep learning curve and complicated toolchain can prevent beginners or smaller projects from using it.

Slender: The New Star

Since its introduction in 2020, Svelte, a free, open-source, and simple-to-use framework for contemporary web development, has gained popularity. Because it is a compiler-based framework, shorter loading times and improved performance are obtained by compiling the code at build time.

The way Svelte approaches reactive programming is one of its distinctive qualities. Svelte does not rely on a virtual DOM to refresh the user interface, in contrast to other frameworks. Instead, it converts the code into extremely effective JavaScript, which immediately refreshes the DOM. This strategy produces quicker rendering speeds and a more streamlined user interface.

Performance Indicators for Slender

Svelte is a great choice for developing high-performance apps because it is lightweight and has a quick initial load time. Its virtual DOM-less architecture dramatically lowers memory usage and CPU utilisation, making it an all-around quicker framework. The performance of Svelte is unaffected by the scope or complexity of the application.

Svelte not only offers improved performance but also a reduced package size, which means it uses less storage space and loads more quickly than competing frameworks. It is therefore the best option for developing applications that must be quick and responsive.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Svelte

The simplicity and quickness of Svelte make it a great choice for creating apps that are both effective and simple to maintain. Because of its reduced package size, it uses less memory and loads websites more quickly than competing frameworks. Additionally, Svelte’s distinct reactive programming methodology makes it a fantastic option for creating intricate user interfaces that must be quick and responsive.

Svelte is less appropriate for large-scale initiatives because its ecology and community are still in the early stages of development. Svelte has a big number of plugins and modules, although the community is smaller than it is for other frameworks like React or Angular. Additionally, some developers may find it difficult to adapt Svelte’s new approach to building web applications because it can take some time to get used to.

In conclusion, Svelte is a rising star in the web development industry. It is a fantastic option for creating quick and responsive applications due to its innovative approach to reactive programming and lightweight design. Svelte’s ecosystem is still growing, but its advantages in terms of performance and simplicity make it a framework to keep an eye on in the next years.


It can be difficult to select the ideal JavaScript framework for your application. In 2023, React, Vue.js, Angular, and Svelte will likely be among the most well-liked and effective frameworks. Web development is dominated by React, while Vue.js is a great option for adding progressive updates to already-existing projects. Svelte is an emerging star with cutting-edge speed optimisation capabilities, while Angular is a fantastic option for enterprise-grade solutions.

The final choice should be based on the requirements of your project and the knowledge of your team. We trust that the information from this performance comparison has given you the knowledge you need to select the ideal JavaScript framework for your application.

Bijin Azeez July 13, 2018