10 Offshore Web Development Statistics to Know in 2024

aTeam Soft Solutions March 13, 2024

In the web development sector, where the online atmosphere is very swift and highly competitive, offshore outsourcing is the strategic method adopted by many web development companies to stay ahead. This tactic is not just a trend but a calculated approach to get world-class talent from a global talent pool. These companies are not only recruiting people from different geographical locations but also infusing the different experiences and skills these people possess into their companies’ fabric, shaping Web Development Statistics.

When a web development company prefers to source a web developer or a team from outside the country, it makes a smart business decision which is transcending borders. This means that the world is a global village where people of different cultures come together virtually. The benefits are twofold: considerable savings on the development budget as well as higher quality web development services that may be not available in the local area. This byproduct increase not only preserves the company’s financial resources but also enhances the quality of its products.

When you are talking about web app development services with offshore outsourcing, you are actually gaining entry to a universe of innovative solutions and imaginative problem-solving approaches. It is about globalization and localization of projects. The Web development services should not only keep up with the standards but also surpass them.

As businesses consider offshore outsourcing, they must dive deep into offshore outsourcing statistics. These figures contribute to the wider understanding of the consequences and the success, which provide a more complete outlook than the superficial consideration of only aesthetics. It’s about making a thoughtful choice, one that resonates with your company’s mission and goals.

Thus, whether you are a website development company or a company hiring website development services, offshoring outsourcing can bring about a big change. It is a chance to integrate cost-effectiveness with best-in-class web development to create a mix that can take the business to the enviable space of the online world. Before embarking on this journey, first, take a pause to absorb the data, consult experts in your field, and ponder on how this strategic decision matches your business goals. Through this methodical approach, your offshoring will not only be strategic but also have a profound influence.

1. 59% of Businesses to Save Cost through Outsourcing.

Balancing quality at a reasonable cost is the most demanding topic in tech and development for many companies. As an illustration, the demand for web developers and website developers is higher. However, the expenditure associated with them can be very expensive. To tackle these financial burdens, 59% of the companies have shifted to the strategy of outsourcing to the cheaper part of the world like India, a fact that was primarily meant to achieve cost reduction. Another way businesses can save expenses is to outsource web development and web application development services to countries with favorable economies. As a result, businesses get to pay less and avoid costs such as in-house recruitment, salaries, and operational costs.

Outsourcing, both in web app development services and in web development company collaborations, gives a dual advantage. Each benefit is a plus and is not a minus. It not only reduces the financial burden by eliminating the requirement for large in-house teams but also provides access to an international base of talent from which businesses can select, resulting in high-quality and better innovation of their web development projects. Last year, the trend was not only about saving costs but also about using the knowledge and skills gained from different countries in the highly competitive and dynamic digital world.

2. 90% of G2000 Companies Outsource Web App Development

The rapid growth of the digital world in 2024 has made it possible for around 92% of the world’s largest companies, which are included in the G2000 list, to incorporate IT outsourcing as one of the essential components of their operational framework. Therefore, we can affirm that this index reveals a persistent trend in which more than 90% of the major global companies are shipping their IT projects abroad. This move is a manifestation of the confidence the company places in the expertise of web development companies and web developer teams that are specialists in web application development services and web app development services, respectively.

IT outsourcing far overpowers business process outsourcing for preference. Nevertheless, 59% of these large firms have embraced the latter, but the former is the primary strategy, especially in the use of website developer services and web development companies. As we enter the year 2024, the dependence on external web development services will not be just a trend but an integral part of the strategy that will help these giants keep up with the pace of a highly competitive digital environment.

3. 1.3 Trillion Global IT Outsourcing Industry

The niche of web development outsourcing, which includes web development services and website development services, has been vibrant and still is. According to the size of the international outsourcing market in 2019, which was $92.5 billion, 8 percent growth was made compared to the year before. The figures had been on the rise, reaching their maximum of $104.6 billion back in 2014, but not yet. To start with, 2024 is here, and things have changed substantially, with outsourcing adapting to the recent requirements for digital transformation.

Since 2014, the IT outsourcing sector has seen spectacular growth, with around $1.3 trillion being spent on web development companies and web development companies in 2023. This results in growth that has been propelled by the increasing need for companies to remain at the frontier of digital advancements, which is leading to the hiring of web development experts. The requirement for website development services and web application development services in high volumes itself is evidence that the industry is growing very fast, which comes as a result of how businesses are now using external expertise to improve their digital presence and operation efficiency.

In a nutshell, outsourcing is the undisputable trend to keep in mind when shaping the approach of 2024 for businesses that are eager to embrace the high-tech era and at the same time save money.

4. India Dominates with 55% offshore Outsourcing Share

Within the digital transformation niche, the demand for skilled web developers and website developers continues to increase swiftly. As businesses are now interested in having a strong online presence, the requirement for quality web application development services cannot be contested. With companies aiming at building beautiful and dynamic digital interfaces, the services of a reliable web application development company become invaluable.

The digital environment is overfilled with web development businesses that are competing to offer the best web development services. Nonetheless, discerning customers are looking for more than just empty claims; they need documented evidence of successful outcomes. Here, website development companies, especially those focusing on website development services, step into the game.

The technological innovation of India has made it a forerunner in the web development sector. Recognized for its excellence in web development, the country is renowned for delivering web development services that not just meet but often even exceed client expectations. The growth in India’s website development expertise demand indicates the success in its ability to deliver quality outcomes.

A deeper insight into the web development industry shows us why Indian web development services are highly appreciated. The country, in particular, accounts for an impressive 55% share of outsourcing, leaving China behind as the most sought-after destination for IT investments. This outstanding number of global clients is a testimony of the trust and confidence they place in Indian web development companies.

Alongside tough competition, India’s premier web development firms have distinguished themselves by delivering high-end web app development services. These organizations, including companies such as Ateamsoft Solutions, have helped India to join the league of world-class IT outsourcing providers.

In the case of companies that look for the best quality without paying for it excessively, hiring an Indian web development company becomes a strategic decision. Such collaborations not only provide access to top-tier web development services but also guarantee the blend of innovation, skill, and cost-effectiveness, which is the unique value proposition of web application development services in this world.

5. 24% of Small Firms Choose Experts for Operational Efficiency

In a digitally changing environment, a magnitude of 24% of SMEs are into outsourcing, especially web development firms and web apps development companies, to help them develop operational efficiency. While 18% of the businesses seek to benefit from the expertise of senior personnel in web designing services, intending to optimize the quality of the end product. Indeed, it emphasizes the decisive role of web developer expertise and website development services as factors that directly link project performance and quality with the success of the business.

Thus, a web development company or a website development company is not just a partner for small enterprises with excellent web application development, but the companies are also nearshore. This way, they get access to a highly skilled workforce, including dexterous web developers and website developers, through which they can take charge of their projects faster than before without compromising on quality. Small businesses turn towards web app development and web development services, encompassing a bigger intention to boost their growth and gain a leading position in the market. Utilizing the expertise of an experienced web development company or availing web development services is a sign of the realization of the fact that such intervention can bring out efficiency and quality to a higher level and, in accord, pave the way for expansion and sustainability of businesses in the face of competition at the global stage.

6. The Strategic Shift Towards Outsourcing for App Development in Multiple Industries

The last couple of years have seen an increase in outsourcing application development, with over 60% of companies spread across different sectors opting for this option. This trend reflects a strategic shift towards exploiting external expertise. This trend has become outstanding in the spheres of web application development services and web app development services, where the demand for professional skills increases, and businesses are forced to collaborate with web development companies to provide cost-effective solutions.

In the financial sector, 72% of organizations now outsource their app development projects due to the high costs coupled with the desire to innovate. The healthcare sector, though somewhat cautious, has 31% of its entities using web development services to improve their digital competencies. Outsourcing gives the sectors an opportunity to tap into the massive global talent pool that web development companies offer, thus enabling them to remain abreast with digital innovation and service delivery.

These trends illustrate the strategic aspects of outsourcing in web development and how companies are actually going to outsource their website developers to web development companies in order to remain competitive in the fast-paced online world of 2024.

7. Offshore IT Outsourcing Slashes Costs by 60-70%

In the chessboard of business economics, offshore IT outsourcing is a strategic masterpiece, especially for US firms that have reported a cost reduction of about 60-70%, and this approach has been adopted. One of the most exciting examples is a situation where an American web development company works with a website development company based in another country. This partnership is not just a simple collaboration; it is a money-saving deal, as the U.S. company will be able to utilize the expertise of experienced web developers and web designers at a small portion of the local price.

However, the savings extend beyond one-off projects. Businesses that acquire web application development services or web application development outsourcing partnerships discover that they can deliver high-end products without the high cost. It feels like having an ace up your sleeve where you get to enjoy the supremacy of top-notch web development services and website development services without inflicting much pain on your pocket.

Let’s not forget, though, that the spectrum is wider as website development companies and web development companies choose offshore collaboration. This is not just about cost-cutting; they are also leveraging the global talent pool so that their web development services or website development services not only render low cost but also outshine the competition in the global marketplace.

8. 50% Businesses to Increase Offshore IT Outsourcing

In an era where technology transcends geographical boundaries, intriguing statistics surface: currently, operating in the market, more than 50% of businesses are going to build closer relations with foreign IT outsourcing. The emergence of this critical figure pinpoints a new trend, one in which a large number of companies are transitioning towards exploiting global expertise. It is not only the numbers that are the essence of this fact but there is also a storyline about the changing IT landscape. By taking on offshore IT outsourcing, companies do not simply delegate tasks; they engage a worldwide pool of experts and thus reinforce the development of their web platforms.

Be it a web developer who helps to boost your digital presence, a website developer who creates an online identity for you, or an offshore web development company that gives a whole range of services, the presence of offshore knowledge is clearly seen. This trend is not just reframing the nature of web app development or web development services; it’s revolutionizing the world market, building a mosaic of interconnected business wiring on imported knowledge and expertise. The tidal wave of collaboration in this area spells the writing of a new chapter in website development services and web application development services and coming up with better quality benchmarks for the digital venture.

9. 78% of Businesses are Satisfied with Offshore IT Outsourcing

In this day and age, the world is becoming significantly smaller due to technological developments, and a stunning 78% of businesses across the globe have openly declared their satisfaction with offshore IT outsourcing partnerships. This figure is not a mere number; it is the proof of the flourishing mutually beneficial operation of both parties. It connotes the direction that groups are headed toward recognizing the capabilities, novelty, and synergy that such collaborations facilitate, in particular, when it comes to web development services.

The range of our web application and website development services reflects our positive alignment, the impact of which is obvious. It’s a story that celebrates the epitome of web development companies as well as website developers all together when they help shape the digital tomorrow. This prevailing satisfaction underscores a broader theme: beyond the obvious, which is to contract the service of web developers in other parts of the world, companies that outsource beyond their borders co-create value, innovation, and success with web app development services. It is a story that not only invites more businessmen to take up offshore IT outsourcing but also persuades them to build reliable alliances that will lead to great returns.

Also Read : 9 Offshore Web Development Myths Debunked

10. India is the most Cheapest Nation to Outsource

India is cherished for its budget-friendly web development services, so it has become a favorite place for companies searching to save money. The average web developer salary in India is just 6700$ per annum, less than in many other countries. Take the example of a web developer in the Philippines with an annual income of about $8,138.32, more than that of India.

This cost-saving nature does not just refer to employing individual web developers but also to working with web development firms from India. These firms make websites and web apps at lower costs than elsewhere.

In India, businesses aiming to construct a website or web application without incurring many expenses can be developed. The country’s web development firms are famous for delivering services that are better and at lower cost. Such a situation is conducive to FDI inflows from many countries.

India has strong web development in the area of cost-effectiveness. Whether you want to hire a web developer or work with a firm that will develop a website or a web app for you, India provides a great deal of high-quality work at a reasonable cost. This is the main reason that makes India the favourite destination for companies that look to build web solutions without going beyond the budget.

Read More : 9 Offshore Web Development Myths



In a digital world, the experience and expertise of the offshoring partner are critical. The major factors to consider include the right time synchronization, the economic feasibility of outsourcing, and the innovation ranking of a prospective partner country to make a smart decision. India, with its tech base and development services at lower costs, is one of the leading outsourcing countries.

Web developers are the main actors in this offshore scheme. The skill set does not confine itself to aesthetic websites but includes improving user experience and enhancing functionality. Indian web developers are famous for their technical expertise and artistry; who could be better suited to be a game partner in your digital journey?

Due to their quite deep knowledge of the digital world, website authors will make your online presence attractive and powerful. They execute web application development services with high competence, which means your web apps will be scalable, secure, and user-driven.

In terms of web application development, an intensive development process is necessary that allows developing secure applications that not only function but also respond to business goals. Indian web development companies are well positioned as leaders in the delivery of customized solutions that will boost your digital goals.

In addition, the Indian web development service portfolio is comprehensive, ranging from the first design to the ongoing maintenance and support of the post-launch. If you plan to hire a web development company or search for web development services, India’s tech industry will have many providers that meet your needs.

A web development partner must actively contribute to your organization’s strategic goals and day-to-day operations. Because of its cost-effectiveness, creativity, and technical capability, India is a logical choice for many of the world’s industries. For instance, Ateamsoft Solutions, as a web development partner, offers you an opportunity to use India’s technological expertise and know-how, which ensures that you can implement your web development and digital marketing campaigns. Call us for a free consultation session right now. Let us discover how we can help you gain a more recognizable online presence.

Azeez Bijin April 24, 2023