MVP development Company

Boost your time to market and increase cost-effectiveness with Boost your time to . Fully optimize your path to a successful product launch through the most efficient ways. Build a solid and scalable infrastructure – Manifest your vision, achieve versatility with our high-value approach and an agile development process!

Ultimate Guide to Building an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Ultimate Guide to Building an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Everyone has ideas. Some have very good ideas. However, one is only truly victorious when he or she is able to turn that idea into a reality. Additionally, this product of reality must be top-notch and not some cheap knock-off So, what are you going to do? Do you build your product on your own r do you hire a good team ….

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An ultimate guide for Proof of Concept in Software Development

An ultimate guide for Proof of Concept in Software Development

Inspiring your team, brainstorming and forming an idea is both exciting and energizing. Envisioning the ideation of forming something different that solves problems seems wonderful but if that idea is not put through its pace properly, it may face the same problem that many others face i.e. False Value….

Proof of Concept in Software Development


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  • 3X

    faster time to market

  • 50%

    savings in cost

Challenges Startups Are Facing When Starting With Their App Development


Great idea, but limited budget


Not enough resources to plan, prototype, implement and test the product


Hard to define, what features are out-of-the-game for an mvp version

Why do you need MVP development

MVP development Services

Idea validation's sprints

An MVP helps you identify how effectively your core features solve your users’ problems and allows you to alter your strategy earlier if the hypothesis fails.

Top MVP Company

Faster launch on the market

MVP development is more rapid and iterative. Which reduces the time-to-market and you have the possibilities to promote the product and look for customers early on.

MVP Development Service

Budget-friendly investments

MVP development is cost-effective and saves you money at the initial stage. You can focus on customer development and not worry about spending money on coding.

Risk mitigation development

Risk mitigation development

Software development involves risk at every step of the way. And it is proven that developing an MVP helps you mitigate most of those common risks.

Ecommerce Mobile Apps

Ecommerce apps

Business Mobile Apps in Australia

Business Apps

Educational Mobile Apps Developers in Brisbane

Educational Apps

Restaurant Mobile Apps

Food Delivery Apps

Health And Fitness Mobile Apps Developers in Brisbane

Health And Fitness Apps

Cross-Platform Desktop Apps

On-demand Mobile Apps

On-demand Apps

Geo-bassed Applications

Social Networking Mobile Apps

Social Networking Apps

Finance/ Accounting Apps

Business Application

Photo Editing And Video Mobile Apps

Social Networking Apps

Know What Makes Your Business Hoist! Get Free Software Requirement Document!

  • Discuss your Business goal and Target Audience
  • Eliminate Confusion with Clear workflow structure
  • Highlight fascinating elements to elevate the business.
Let’s Talk Let’s Skype Chat

Mobile Application

Ravens Duet

“Create and Play in the worlds first collaborative scavenger hunt. Discover, exercise, dare, dance, and selfie your way up the leaderboard. You have the chance to win prizes every week and challenge your friends directly. Lets build this adventure together!

Join the worldwide collaborative scavenger hunt of Ravens Duet.
Join the competition outside safely! Socialize virtually, and share goofy challenges. Pop that comfort zone, get outside, and get exploring!”



Recycle SV

“Interactive Personal Waste Management – RecycleSV is a mobile app that allows you to scan an allocated QR Code on a recyclable object, which then asks for you to take it to the bin, scan the bin QR code and recycle the item correctly. In doing so, one will receive (for now) a virtual reward. The app will display the number of recycles and amount of rewards one has achieved.
Dropping an email at [email protected] is required to use the QR codes in the app.”


Hammer App

Hammer Gym App

Fitnes app designed for the users of The Hammer gym. App could be used by free users (non gym members) but all the exclusive and premium benefits are given to gym members. Trainers can keep track of their clients workouts and diets while the users can self update their food intakes and exercise using the app. There are separate apps for both trainers as well as clients along with a admin panel for the super admin to manage everything.


E Learning App


Client is an edtech startup, that offers exclusive courses to students of all classes. It provides a comprehensive and well-structured set of video lectures for students. It covers all the topics in an academic year and helps students prepare for them and score higher marks. Client have an interesting approach towards teaching, as it focuses more on
conceptual understanding rather than trial and error methods to score high. It also has embedded test paper modules for constant testing. It provides you an in-depth analysis of students’ performance. It offers a holistic improvement of students with regard to education.



Sadad payment solutions

Sadad’s Payment Solution is mobile application for the state of Qatar. It Provides instant Payment Service for Individuals and Companies without need to carry your money or one of your credit cards, you can download Sadad application and start to payelectronic and instant payment anytime and anywhereSADAD facilitates and streamlines a wide range of payment transactions for individuals, banks, businesses, and the government sector, while continuing to develop new payment products and services. SADAD aims at providing with one solution for all payments.



Q7 Leader Integration Platform

HR Talent analysis platform. Companies can use the platform to evaluate the performance level of their employees. The evaluation is done based on 7 criteria and the evaluation is given by the managers of each and every employee. Q7 Leader turns every manager into a better and objective people manager with the Q7 best HR-management practices in one tool, real-time people analytics and a development plan for every employee. Managers and HR have continuous insights of where and which action, decision and development is needed to ensure a sustainable and objective workforce- and reward planning.



Warehouse Management System

Manage your stock in your warehouse with this inventory management app. Improve your logistics with a warehouse management system. Inventory management is a key part of the supply chain and primarily aims to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse and process the associated transactions, including shipping, receiving, putaway and picking.

  • Add inventory to you store
  • Remove inventory from your warehouse
  • Move inventory between storage locations
  • Real-time global inventory visibility for all your users
  • Count and correct your inventory
  • Share your inventory
  • Manage your stock transactions
  • Locate your stock
  • Manage your warehouse locations
  • Replenishment advice
  • Use the web based interface

Extensive reporting and analysis:

  • Statistics
  • Fillgrade
  • Total items in stock
  • Transactions
  • Fast movers
  • Slow movers
  • Inventory accuracy
  • Inventory value”

Solving Complex Business Problems leveraging technology

By working with our digital natives, we can help your business transition seamlessly into a new digital business model that places your customers at its core. If you think it’s time for a change, then get in touch with us today and let’s talk about your brand’s project requirements.



Transcend your start-up to the next level with creative software and development solutions, geared just to cater your needs and push your business towards success. We understand your goals as well as limitations, which is why we come up with the ideal custom development solutions for you.



Re-invent your variable business operation aspects, reduce operational costs with leveraged technology and integrated operational solutions. We develop and deploy successful and scalable software solutions as per infrastructural needs, to improve your operational efficiency and help you achieve business objectives.


Explore New Markets

Analyze the markets, discover the latest technology trends and develop a product which enhances customer satisfaction and increases revenues. Experience working closely with our consultants and agile development team and establish requirements for your business transformation, further achieving new business milestones!


Facilitate Inventory Management

Improve sales cycles, increase profitability and save inventory time by keeping the stock-outs and stock-overflows in check, with perfectly built cross-platform inventory management solutions. We develop highly-effective inventory management solutions which facilitate item-tracking and demand predictions.



Launch intuitive self-service portal which allows your customers to resolve their issues and manage their information. We will help you build self-service solutions which will surface relevant and personalized content. Keep your customers happy by improving their experience with the help of integrated data analytics solutions.


Incubate tech-enables line of business

Unlock your potential and fuel the business growth with the tech-enabled business strategies. Gain a competitive edge with digital innovations. We will help you examine the roadmap opportunities and build software which will help you communicate, serve your clientele, expand your reach and increase potential revenue.


Increased response time


Client satisfaction index


Faster delivery time


Client retention rate

Our exceptional consultation that makes us Your App Development partner

mvp app development partner
  • One year free support: We’ll be there for your app for an entire year without charging a single penny
  • 24/7 communication: Be it Email, Call, or Skype, we are always intact for your app’s support.
  • 100% satisfaction guaranteed: Your satisfaction is our very first priority. If you have any concern about your app, we are here to solve them in every possible manner with flexibility.
  • Strict NDA and contract with the jurisdiction set to your own state in the US.
  • No third party outsourcing on design, development or support /maintenance.
  • Work for Hire – You own the intellectual property rights to your application. We do not reuse or sell your code or data.
  • 100% transparency
  • Solid team who can help scale up or down your needs based on how your business is growing.

The scale, scope and quality of the project determine the duration of creating an MVP. The final result’s total time also depends on the specifications and the intended end result. We can adjust the pace of development according to your requirements, by drawing in additional capital or allow the distribution of building costs. It totally depends on you.

The more details you give about the project, the better. However, we believe that an initial discussion on the requirements will help us structure your request better. Feel free to contact our team and we can frame the information better.

Frankly, this is one of the more frequent questions, regarding the development of an MVP and honestly, we do not have an exact answer to it. The cost cannot be determined until we get the details of the requirements and understand the complexity of your product’s idea.

You can contact our team and let us know what your requirements are and after the discussion, we can give you a ballpark cost of development.

Yes, of course.
We take our clients’ confidentiality very seriously. Therefore, we sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with all our clients, to ensure the safety of any confidential information that they share with us. This helps maintain the privacy of application ideas and other data related to the project.

We follow an agile development methodology, alongside Scrum, which helps our entire team tackle any type of projects. Interactions are held, following the collaborative work approach, which helps us identify any blockers or impediments. You have full transparency and control over your project as well as developers and our team archives daily milestones.

Once we understand your idea, we decide on the most suitable and the best platform to work on. Nevertheless, our skilled team of professional developers have worked on a wide variety of platforms and technologies and therefore, we can work on whichever technology you have in mind.

A minimum viable product or MVP development is a procedure where another product or website is created with adequate elements to fulfill early adopters. The last complete set of elements is just designed and developed subsequent to thinking about criticism from the item’s initial users. A Minimum Viable Product can be portrayed as a version of the product that contains the fundamental least required set of elements. This is also considered the earliest step point of your unbelievable product journey.

There are 4 steps to mastering the MVP development measures. These are as follows:

Step 1: Characterize the MVP with a PRD

Step 2: Coordinate the MVP’s Information Architecture

Step 3: Make Wireframes and Prototypes

Step 4: Finish Design QA.

A minimum viable product or MVP is a product with enough elements to draw in early-adopter clients and approve a product concept early in the product development measures. In businesses, the MVP software development can assist the product team and get client criticism as fast as conceivable to iterate and work on the product. Since the agile methodology is based on validating and iterating products in view of client input, MVP development plays a focal part in agile development.

Stage 1: Begin with Market Research

Stage 2: Ideate on Value Addition

Stage 3: Guide out User Flow

Stage 4: Focus on MVP Features

Stage 5: Launch MVP

Stage 6: practice B.M.L means Build, Measure, and Learn.

Thinking of a concept, you naturally want to test it. Here POC and MVP come to help you. Both permit you to attempt your theory and get early input. However, the difference between PoC and MVP is equivalent to a draft and an implemented project. With PoC, you test the feasibility of your concept. In comparison, constructing an MVP development implies making a market-prepared solution that will bring you criticism from early adopters.

An MVP’s fundamental objective is to create a working product that rapidly offers immediate benefit while limiting expenses. Beginning with an MVP will permit you to dive deeper into your end client and the market you wish to enter as you test your presumptions. An MVP development service will also make way for future cycles of development and explain the consecutive moves toward taking in the project whether that is heading in a different direction totally or going on down your set development way.

Losing focus while making an MVP development is simple. Iterative development regimens need concentration, commitment, and being incredibly strategic and targeted of what you maintain that your final result should be. Else, you could wind up spending beyond anything you expected.

The best and most successful minimum viable products don’t remain new businesses for a really long time. You’ve without a doubt known about the majority of these. In spite of the fact that you might not have realized that they were once MVP software development:

  1. Amazon
  2. Dropbox
  3.  Airbnb
  4.  Facebook

An MVP development process means finding the correct balance between the things the business is proposing to clients and what clients really need. The reason for the MVP development is to test the hypothesis that the product will take care of a client issue. MVPs also permit organizations to limit errors in the development cycle. An MVP helps in gathering the greatest quality criticism by focusing on particular groups or client types.

Outsourcing MVP app development permits organizations to expand risks since they can now concentrate on the business side of product development and pass on the technical side to specialists. This way the work will be finished on time and effectively. Outsourcing also permits organizations to pick their degree of development in the task.

If you are searching for a solid development team who could give you something other than an MVP development service but assist you with developing your project from a concept to a completely fledged product, then you are in a right place. At Ateam, we depend on specific rules that guarantee our clients they are good to go.

  1. End-to-end analysis
  2. Proactive coordinated effort
  3. Quick kick-off and Versatility
  4. Agile cycle
  5. Huge tech Abilities
  6. Business-oriented approach.

Deciding which ones must be incorporated or excluded is certainly not a simple task, and expects in-depth industry knowledge. The following is a list of stages for MVP app development feature prioritization:

  1. Get to know your clients
  2. Figure out how they are as of now getting their necessities met
  3. Concentrate on your rivals
  4. Know your assets
  5. Come up with a worthy contribution.

Here are the 5 most significant reasons why the MVP development process fail. Below are how to stay away from them to fabricate an effective Minimum Viable Product (MVP):

  1. Absence of an adequate project development system
  2. Executing an excessive number of features
  3. Lack of prototyping phase
  4. Absence of market research
  5. Absence of a strong development group.

A great MVP development is what qualifies the market need without working out a thorough product. Let’s take a look at the 5 attributes that best MVPs share which will assist you with characterizing what yours most resemble:

  1. Worked for one individual
  2. Pay attention to many individuals
  3. Small concentration on doing less
  4. Concentration around testing
  5. Little, contained launch.

To make a minimal viable product yourself, the expense will be nominal. Despite the fact that it has all the earmarks of being a pleasant thought, it’s anything but an optimal approach to MVP development. A typical expense of a mobile application MVP can go from $5000 to $50000. A ton would rely completely upon the complexity of the application concept, elements, and design.

The most widely recognized method for estimating achievement is by taking a look at the number of individuals in your target market who have evaluated the MVP development. You want to see whether there’s sufficient interest to justify further speculation beyond the MVP. Also, you need to measure two things:

  1. The engaging quality of your offering to a feasible pool of individuals/early evangelists
  2.  How important is your MVP in taking care of an issue for your target audience?

Let’s take a look and explore the best 3 MVP development companies for any type of business in India. Read below to find out about their group size, mastery, experience, area, and much more:

  1. InfostrideFounded: 2014
    Team Size: 250+
    Location: USA, Singapore & India
  2. Net Solutions
    Founded- 2000
    Team size- 200+
    Location– India only.
  3. FATbit Technologies
    Founded: 2004
    Team Size: 200+
    Location: India only.

We should investigate and explore the best 3 MVP development companies for a business in the USA. Read beneath to learn about their team size, authority, experience, region, and significantly more:

  1. Infostride
    Founded: 2014
    Team Size: 250+
    Location: USA, Singapore & India.
  2. Bacancy Technology
    Founded: 2011
    Team Size: 250+
    Location: USA, India & More.
  3. Classic Informatics
    Founded– 2002
    Team size– 150+
    Location– the USA, Australia, and India.

We must research and take a look at the top 3 MVP development agencies for a business in Australia. Read below for more info about their group size, authority, experience, district, and fundamentally more:

  1. Mobilementor
    Founded– 2004
    Team size– 250+
    Location– Australia
  2. EB Pearls
    Founded– 2005
    Team size– 250+
    Location– Melbourne, Australia
  3. Elegant media
    Team size– 250+
    Location– Australia.

To fabricate a strong MVP product, you want a solid mobile application development partner who can assist with achieving the work in a restricted time span. here is the list of the top 3 MVP development agencies in Texas, and the US that are completely focused on their portfolio, overall significant experience, flexible abilities and execution, testimonials, and their online profile on reputed portals:

  1. Simform
    Founded- 2010
    Team size– 1000+
    Location– multiple cities in the USA (inc. Texas)
  2. Headspring – Part of ‘Accenture’
    Founded– 2001
    Team size- 250+
    Location– Austin, Texas
  3. Systematix Infotech
    Founded– 2005
    Team size– 500+
    Location– USA (inc. Texas), Singapore, and India.

IT business is turning out to be competitive and technologically progressed. Therefore, it is undeniable that organizations would look for cost-effective solutions to create their Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Indeed, tracking down ways of reducing the expense of MVP software development is important since it permits the association to focus on different parts of application development:

  1. Open source solutions are constantly liked
  2. You must go with cross-platform development
  3. Utilize Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)
  4. Focus on it to start testing quickly
  5. Select a legitimate and notable software development firm.

We here at Ateam have delivered a few fruitful MVP development projects. Our group has a proven cycle setup that we adjust in view of our client’s unique necessities. Along with you and your group, the Ateam’s MVP experts will go through statistical surveying notes, examine competitors and other essential needs, characterize client flow, and pick the main elements for the MVP.

Post-launch maintenance and support are like insurance for your MVP development. And, Ateam’s post-launch maintenance and support will screen, maintain, and offer help that will guarantee your application delivers an elevated degree of trust and furnishes clients with an operational application free from irritating performance problems.

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