
Ravens Duet

“Create and Play in the worlds first collaborative scavenger hunt. Discover, exercise, dare, dance, and selfie your way up the leaderboard. You have the chance to win prizes every week and challenge your friends directly. Lets build this adventure together!

Join the worldwide collaborative scavenger hunt of Ravens Duet.
Join the competition outside safely! Socialize virtually, and share goofy challenges. Pop that comfort zone, get outside, and get exploring!”

Join the Adventure

The project goal is to create an mobile application where the users can set challenges to members of the community and also take part in group adventures which are team based. The challenges can by anything from taking a selfie in a specific location to finding a specific object in a given location to performing a dance move.

User Experience

Being And Adventure Game, Creating An Intuitive Ui/ux Was A Key Priority

Mobile Application Development Services
Mobile Application Development Services
User App
Key features
Admin app